Roundtables on Strategy - Round 2

On January 26th and 27th 2023, Senator Moodie hosted the second round of the Roundtables on a Strategy for Children and Youth in Canada. The goal of the Roundtables is to discuss a National Strategy for Children and Youth and to outline the parameters that should be included in a framework bill that would prompt the creation of such a strategy.

Below are the presentations and materials our office has permission to share from the second round of the Roundtables. This includes presentations from National Inuit Youth Council, the Regional Multicultural Youth Council, C.A.R.E. Jeunesse, Canadian Council of Refugees (Youth Network), Young Canadians Roundtable on Health, Students Commission of Canada, Être et Devenir, Tropicana Community Services, the Africa Centre and the Ontario Children's Advancement Coalition. 

You can see the recordings and materials from the first round here

National Inuit Youth Council & the Regional Multicultural Youth Council

C.A.R.E. Jeunesse & Canadian Council of Refugees (Youth Network)

See C.A.R.E. Jeunesse' s presentation materials here 

See CCR's presentation materials here

Young Canadians Roundtable on Health (YCRH)

See YCRH's presentation materials here

Students Commission of Canada & Être et Devenir

Tropicana Community Services & the Africa Centre & Ontario Children's Advancement Coalition

See Tropicana Community Services' presentation materials here 

See OCAC's presentation materials here