From Vision To Reality: On a Strategy for Children and Youth in Canada

From Vision to Reality: On a National Strategy for Children and Youth in Canada
Following a series of consultations with children, youth and advocates across the country, I am delighted to share with you my collaborative, youth-focused report: From Vision to Reality: On a National Strategy for Children and Youth in Canada.
The message we received was clear: If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll never get there. Canada’s children deserve every opportunity to grow and flourish, but they currently face a system of programs, supports, and benefits filled with gaps, which leads to poor outcomes.
If we want a Canada where every child can thrive, we need a comprehensive vision, not a patchwork. It’s time to close the gaps. We need a National Strategy for Children and Youth.
This report represents the perspectives of children and youth, their advocates and other relevant stakeholders on the necessity of a National Strategy and its potential features. Thank you to all of the dedicated children, youth and advocates who took the time to share their thoughts – this report would not have been possible without them.
Did you know?
The results of this report also inspired my recent bill: Bill S-282, An Act respecting a national strategy for children and youth in Canada! You can find out more about the bill here.