Advocacy for Women and Girls

Study on the role of gender-based analysis plus (GBA+) in the policy process at SOCI
The goal of the study was to study GBA+ analysis in Canada. It considered its history, current use, and ways the tool needs to be updated and deployed to better serve Canadians.
The committee heard witnesses during meetings that took place between September 21st and October 27th, 2022.
See my questions to witnesses in the videos linked below.
#InternationalSafeAbortionDay Statement
On September 28th, I spoke in the Senate about #InternationalSafeAbortionDay.
I'm proud that Canada has stepped up as a champion of sexual and reproductive health and rights worldwide. But we must continue to work hard to end preventable death and illness from unsafe abortion worldwide.
International Day of the Girl 2022- Girl2Leader
Young women are leaders, changemakers, earthshakers - and on International Day of the Girl, we celebrate them and all that they are capable of!
Speakers included former Senator Landon Pearson and Minister Marci Ien, with various other female Parliamentarians in attendance.

Global Parliamentary Alliance for Health, Rights and Development (GPA) Conference
In May 2022, I had the honour of attending GPA’s conference, Investing in Young People’s Health and Futures: Ensuring Equitable Access to Reproductive Health Information and Services, in Barbados.
I had the opportunity to discuss, with delegates, Canada's performance in providing equitable access to sexual and reproductive health services and information for young people.
With reproductive health rights at risk around the world, we must continue to take action to safeguard access to sexual and reproductive health services.