Combatting Anti-Black Racism

Parliamentary Black Caucus
I am honored to be co-chair of such a passionate and dedicated group of parliamentarians standing together to promote equal opportunity and inclusion!
Please see some of the recent initiatives of the Parliamentary Black Caucus on the right.

Image: PBC members pose with members of the Congressional Black Caucus outside the Capitol during the PBC's historic first visit to meet the CBC in Washington, D.C.
In June 2020, the PBC released a statement on systemic racism in Canada, calling for immediate action, not more consultation and deliberation. The statement had the support of over 130 cross-party Senators and MPs.
You can read the statement here
The PBC released a statement in early February 2022 on the “Freedom Convoy” protests that took place in Ottawa and Gatineau from late January to mid-February.
You can read the statement here
Since its creation a few years ago, the Parliamentary Black Caucus has sought to be an amplifier of the voices and the priorities of Black Canadians. With this in mind, the PBC held pre-budget consultations with black-led and black-serving organizations from across the country in late 2022 and early 2023. The goal of the consultations was to collect a detailed account of what Black Canadians are facing and where they need the federal government to step up on their behalf.
Attached here is the letter sent to the Minister of Finance (and other Ministers) summarizing what the PBC heard
Senate Emergency Debate on Racism
I called on my colleagues in the Senate to lend their voices and their support in an Emergency Debate on racism.
In my speech I drew on some of my own experiences as a black woman in Canada. My wonderful colleagues delivered passionate and moving speeches acknowledging the acuity of the situation and affirming their commitment to keep the momentum of the growing movement for equality strong.
Disaggregated Data and Race-Based Data Collection
Senator Jaffer has been very proactive in her advocacy of race-based data collection and her efforts to implement mandatory bias training at the Senate.
Senators' speeches in response to the Speech from the Throne and in acknowledgement of Black History Month
I am joined by my esteemed colleagues Senators Mégie, Ravalia, Bernard and Jaffer.